Vive a menos de dez minutos a pé do local onde ocorreu o acidente que vitimou os dois jovens parienses no passado domingo. Marion dá a sua opinião sobre o que aconteceu:
"Two boys who were 15 years old were driving a «motocross».Someone called the police cause they were causing problems for other cars. Police came and i dont know what really happened...you know lots of different versions... the only thing we know is that, at the end, the police car was just in front of the two young guys and she didn't stop."
Os dois rapazes, Moushin e Larami, acabaram por morrer. Segundo Marion explica, "...the cops just called 911 and then left because they were scared." A morte dos dois jovens emigrantes (Moushin, de Marrocos e Larami, do Senegal) deu origem a confrontos entre a polícia e os moradores do subúrbio localizado no norte de Paris.
A jovem francesa, quando questionada sobre se concorda ou não com as manifestações dos moradores do subúrbio de Villiers-le-Bel, refere "i don't agree with what people are doing on the streets, of course not. Violence is so not an answer!" Mesmo assim, Marion Guillon acredita que os moradores têm razão em protestar:"But of course, they are right to protest. You can't just lie and say: that's not right and, after that, shut up."
Interrogada sobre quais seriam, então, as razões que levariam aos tumultos que têm ocorrido nos subúrbios da capital francesa, a estudante diz que "where i live people only know the violence. And those things [referindo-se à violência que assolou Paris há alguns meses] happened a year ago, i believe, and it worked. Everybody was talking about the situation in the suburbs, which are ghettos." Marion pensa que, tendo em conta que os distúrbios passados colocaram toda a França a falar da situação dos subúrbios, os moradores decidiram voltar a fazer o mesmo, para chamar, de novo, a atenção dos franceses para os problemas dos «ghettos»:" They are doing that thinking: hey it works, see? But when a city does that, the city next to this city do more. Then the other one... it doesn't make sense anymore and it becomes huge!"
No entanto, Marion revela que, apesar do clima de tensão que se sente no sítio onde mora, sente-se assustada, mas não mais do que sempre se sentiu:"When you come back from school and everybody's looking at each other in a weird way and you feel in the air that something's not right you kind of start to be scared. You don't feel safe but it's the way i live, you know? That's just normal when you're in the street where i live, at least!" Mesmo assim, refere que nunca teve qualquer tipo de problemas com ninguém no local onde mora: "I live here for 16 years and i never had any problems!"
Segundo Marion, os tumultos nos arredores de Paris têm como explicação a descriminação a que são votadas as pessoas que lá moram, sobretudo emigrantes: "It's just descrimination. For black people, for example, it's more complicated to find a job. When you live here it's more complicated to find a good school for your children". Para além disso, a jovem diz que "violence is everywhere. Police isn't fair at all. that's why people are protesting for, here!"
No decorrer desta entrevista, Sarcozy, Primeiro-Ministro francês, disse, num discurso, que os tumultos nos subúrbios eram actos de vandalismo e não resultado de uma crise social. Marion Guillon não acredita totalmente nisso: "Of course it is a crisis. It's still vandalism, because they are burning schools. They shouldn't...but that's the only thing they know,again.(...)Well...it's complicated, but if you live in a city that doesn't have that much money, you'll have a university that sucks (...) people won't have 3000 euros to pay and if they don't have education, what jobs will they find?In Villier-Le-Bel 40% of the people do not work! See? It's a crisis!"
A jovem parisiente acredita que, para resolver uma parte do problema é necessário que algumas medidas sejam adoptadas para atenuar as dificuldades dos moradores dos súburbios franceses:"What we need is police who is fair. We need help for the people who want to go to school.We need more teachers."
Daniela Espírito Santo
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Thankyou for that
love you babeeeeeee
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